Visualizing nature's soul

Visualizing nature's soul

Visualizing nature's soul

Visualizing nature's soul

Visualizing nature's soul

Let my artworks bring the enchantment of nature into your home, office or other workplace.

Let my artworks bring the enchantment of nature into your home, office or other workplace.

Blushing Promise (2) Naked trees awakening blushing petals, long green sprouts bringing a fresh promise

Do you also have that feeling, when you climb a hill, stand on a deserted beach, walk through a quiet forest; the feeling that you meet the soul of nature? On my walks in nature I have experienced that the soul of nature has many different appearances. What these appearances all have in common is that they give you a very quiet feeling inside…

A feeling not only because of what you see, but also because of what you hear, smell… and even what you taste when the salty sea breeze touches your lips… 

” Jacob is a master in depicting a feeling “

Do you also have that feeling, when you climb a hill, stand on a deserted beach, walk through a quiet forest; the feeling that you meet the soul of nature? On my walks in nature I have experienced that the soul of nature has many different appearances. What these appearances all have in common is that they give you a very quiet feeling inside…

A feeling not only because of what you see, but also because of what you hear, smell… and even what you taste when the salty sea breeze touches your lips… 

” Jacob is a master in depicting a feeling “

Do you also have that feeling, when you climb a hill, stand on a deserted beach, walk through a quiet forest; the feeling that you meet the soul of nature? On my walks in nature I have experienced that the soul of nature has many different appearances. What these appearances all have in common is that they give you a very quiet feeling inside…

A feeling not only because of what you see, but also because of what you hear, smell… and even what you taste when the salty sea breeze touches your lips… 

” Jacob is a master in depicting a feeling “

Drowned Earth collection1

Drowned Earth

Drowned Earth

Drowned Earth

Nature's Secrets

Nature's Secrets

Nature's Secrets

Nature’s Secrets collection1
Evening Falls collection1

Evening Falls

Evening Falls

Evening Falls

Infinite Sea

Infinite Sea

Infinite Sea

Infinite Sea collection1

Secret Places

Secret Places

Secret Places

Secret Places collection1
Flat Lands collection1

Flat Lands

Flat Lands

Flat Lands

To The Top collection1

To The Top

To The Top

To The Top

Along The bank colection1

Along The Bank

Along The Bank

Along The Bank

Allong The Bank

The Narrow Path

The Narrow Path

The Narrow Path

The Narrow Path collection1
Floral Souls collection1

Floral Souls

Floral Souls

Floral Souls

Floral Souls

Wavy Fields collection1

Wavy Fields

Wavy Fields

Wavy Fields

Quest For The Light collection1

Quest For The Light

Quest For The Light

Quest For The Light

Lost Cities collection1

Lost Cities

Lost Cities

Lost Cities

Stray Birds collection1

Stray Birds

Stray Birds

Stray Birds




Nebulae collection1
Niloofar Mahafel, Iranian artist represented by Jacob Berghoef

Niloofar Mahafel representation

Niloofar Mahafel Representation

Niloofar Mahafel representation

Direct links to websites with Wall Art and Home Decor prints of my artworks:

art logo

All content © 2014-2020  Jacob Berghoef