Don’t you want to come
and see the light? One blink
of the setting sun.

Do you know those moments? A setting sun, just above the trees, in a completely clear sky. In the foreground a lake that reflects all the light.

You know you better not do that, but you look at the sun for a moment. You are blinded, it takes a while before your vision recovers. But fascinated, I “watch” the beautiful colors that emerge on my retina...

That makes me curious: what will the camera do if I point it very quickly at the sun, without giving it time to adjust to the enormous flood of light? Can I blind the camera for a short moment, just like my eyes did?

I turn to the sun, the camera ready. I point it at the sunvery briefly and a quick, short movement...
An experiment…

'Blinded' is an artwork in my collection 'Quest For The Light'.

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Blinded - Experimental fine art landscape photography by Jacob Berghoef

General info on this artwork

'Blinded' comes in a Limited Edition of 4 per size group, signed and with a certificate of authenticity. But of course, it is also available as Open Edition print, without signature and not numbered. Prices starting at €50 / US$55.

And prints are available in my Saatchi Art portfolio at the artwork page. Or you can contact me for a quote including shipping costs.

And of course available in any size you desire !

And here are some more artworks in the Quest For The Light collection you might like:


Through my artworks I ask you to reflect for a moment on the nature around you, on the beautiful feeling that nature can evoke. Thus to think about your actions to support the wellbeing of the earth and everything that lives on it. And on what humanity loses when many of us continue on the destructive path of ever more greed and consuming. And please, reflect on how you can survive in this rapidly changing world…

So do you want to know your ecological footprint? 

Then visit this website: 

And do you want to reduce your ecological footprint?

Then ask me, I will help you. For free. Or simply visit my website and choose in the menu for Your Footprint.

And if you appreciate my writings and art and want to support me, you can buy me a piece of fruit here:, thank you 🍏 !

So are you interested in more? Then read what I wrote about System Change, Man's impact on the earth, Organic Change, Regenerative Agriculture, Regeneration