You, harvester, who work so peacefully
Oh you, who harvest the wheat so peacefully
Harvest the sorrows from my soul
Harvest them and carry them away with you

I love Fado music and, more in general, Portuguese folk music.

One of the most beautiful Portuguese songs for me is Meu Alentejo sung by Dulce Pontes (see the link at the bottom of this post).
But even without knowing a translation of the lyrics (and I don't speak a word of Portuguese), this song really touched me the first time I heard it. And it still does...

Dulce is a singer who sings evocatively. Her voice is full of emotion. After I read the translation of the lyrics, I immediately saw a field before me with waving grain, ready to be harvested.
So I chose this artwork to go with the song by Dulce Pontes. A tribute to her, and to the region Alentejo she sings about.

The original lyrics and translation are also below the image.

Carry Away My Sorrows - Impressionistic fine art landscape photography by Jacob Berghoef
Carry Away My Sorrows

'Carry Away My Sorrows' is a new artwork in my collection 'Wavy Fields'. I made it in the fields near the village Helligsø, North Jutland, Denmark.

Prints are available in my Saatchi Art portfolio at the artwork page or contact me for a quote.

Link to the song (Youtube)

The original lyrics:

Meu Alentejo

Eu não sei que tenho em Évora
Que de Évora me estou lembrando.
Quando chego ao rio Tejo
As ondas me vão levando...

Abalei do Alentejo,
Olhei para trás chorando.
Alentejo da minh'alma
Tão longe me vais ficando!

Ceifeira que andas à calma
Ai, e à calma ceifando o trigo
Ceifa as penas da minh'alma
Ceifa-as leva-as contigo

Abalei do Alentejo,
Olhei para trás chorando.
Alentejo da minh'alma
Tão longe me vais ficando!

English translation:

My Alentejo

I don't know what I left in Évora
That makes me remember Évora
When I reach the Tagus river
Its waves carry my soul away.

I suddenly left the Alentejo
And looked back, crying
Oh, Alentejo of my soul
You're so very far away from me!

You, harvester, who work so peacefully
Oh you, who harvest the wheat so peacefully
Harvest the sorrows from my soul
Harvest them and carry them away with you

I suddenly left the Alentejo
And looked back, crying
Oh, Alentejo of my soul
You're so very far away from me!


Through my artworks I ask you to reflect for a moment on the nature around you, on the beautiful feeling that nature can evoke. Thus to think about your actions to support the wellbeing of the earth and everything that lives on it. And on what humanity loses when many of us continue on the destructive path of ever more greed and consuming. And please, reflect on how you can survive in this rapidly changing world…

So do you want to know your ecological footprint? 

Then visit this website: 

And do you want to reduce your ecological footprint?

Then ask me, I will help you. For free. Or simply visit my website and choose in the menu for Your Footprint.

And if you appreciate my writings and art and want to support me, you can buy me a piece of fruit here:, thank you 🍏 !