As the earth comes to rest
the sound of water
life among the roots
When I imagine what the earth will look like in 100 years, the image that comes to mind most emphatically is one of an earth with sharply rising sea levels. The vastly reduced life that remains in the warmed and poisoned oceans will find shelter and food in the flooded mangrove forests and tropical and temperate coastal forests.
Nature will adapt to the new conditions over time, there is no doubt. Nature has always done that since the creation of the earth. Whether humanity, and many other species as we know them today, have been given the time to do the same is very much open to question.
In this collection of new artworks I show you how I see the earth of, say, a few centuries from now. A fusion of the forests and the oceans, with hopefully in the distant future a rich ecosystem that has managed to adapt to the new circumstances.
Will there still be room for humans in that world?
Yes, I think there will. Will there also be room for "civilized" Western man? No, unless they learn to be one with nature again. It will take several generations before that happens. I sincerely wonder whether the generations of Western man who are now living on earth will be able to bring about this transformation. More time is needed for that, I fear....
Scroll down for an offer for the whole series as a miniature !
Drowned forests
nurturing seaweed
Recently my fellow artist Nellien Brewer, visual artist from South Africa, posted three water color artworks of Kelp. It immediately inspired me to create a new version of the work Symbiosis. Without thinking twice, Nellien agreed to collaborate on this symbiosis of a kelp forest and a spruce forest, for which I am immensely grateful !
Digital art
Screaming sounds of power
saws numb your thoughts
Ears bleed, hearts tear
Forests cry
The sun colors the evening in
the hues of the choking smoke
that kills tree after tree
How high may become
the price the future
will have to pay?
Digital art
Pulsating blue
float gently between the trees
forest in bloom
When huge numbers of jellyfish, or any plant or animal, appear suddenly, it is called a ‘bloom’. Jellyfish in a bloom can number in the millions.
You ask me why I live
alone in the mangrove forest,
at the edge of the infinite sea.
I smile, I am silent
until even my soul grows quiet:
it lives in the other world,
one that no one owns.
The trees bloom.
The waves keep coming.
Inspired by the poem ‘I Make My Home in the Mountains’
Li Po (701-762 )
Click here to read more about mangrove forests
Bright sunlight dances
Coral reefs breathe new colors
Old forests in bloom
Click here to read more about coral reefs
Dark sounds fill the void
A strong back breaks the waves
Travelers of the deep
Click here to read more about humpback whales
You ask me why I live
alone in the mangrove forest,
at the edge of the infinite sea.
I smile, I am silent
until even my soul grows quiet:
it lives in the other world,
one that no one owns.
The trees bloom.
The waves keep coming.
Inspired by the poem ‘I Make My Home in the Mountains’
Li Po (701-762 )
Variation on the work 'The Other World', created for an online exhibition.
Thick clouds of brown
smoke darken the sun
Eyes tear,
birds cry
The sun colors the evening
in the hues of the poison that
factories vomit
How high may become
the price the future
will have to pay?
Thick clouds of black
smoke darken the sun
Eyes tear,
trees cry
The sun colors the evening
in the hues of the flames that
eat tree after tree
How high may become
the price the future
will have to pay?
High waves of toxic
water drown the land
Dead eyes,
the earth cries
The sun colors the morning
in the hues of dead trees
on the banks of greed
How high may become
the price the future
will have to pay?
Digital art
Everything humanity derives or thinks it derives its certainties from will falter in the coming decades, threatened by climate extremes, food and drinking water crises, shortages not only of goods but also of housing, migrations, increasing inequality, quarrels and wars...
Digital art
System Change. That we need to move from an economy/society based on growth and profit, to one that puts well-being of nature -and humans as part of nature- first.
Read more about this here
Drowned Earth series, 7 prints, printed on museum quality fine art cotton paper, no frame. Paper size 15x15cm, ~6x6". Print size 10x10cm, ~4x4".
Price without shipping costs: €100 / US$110 / DKK750
Fill in the quote form for a price including shipping costs.
If you want a different size, or have specific requirements such as a different color frame, please mention this on the quote form.
Of course also available in other sizes, as full print without borders and/or as Limited Edition.
Drowned Earth series, 7 prints, printed on museum quality fine art cotton paper, walnut color glassless wooden frame, white passe-partout. Frame size ~17x17cm, ~6.7x6.7“. Paper size 15x15cm, ~6x6". Print size 10x10cm, ~4x4"
Price without shipping costs: €260 / US$280 / DKK1950
Fill in the quote form for a price including shipping costs.
If you want a different size, or have specific requirements such as a different color frame, please mention this on the quote form.
Of course also available in other sizes, as full print without borders and/or as Limited Edition.
All artworks on this website are available as Open Edition fine art print and as Limited Edition fine art print in any size, on fine art cotton paper up to a maximum size of the shortest side of 110 centimeters ~ app. 43 inches*, unless a photo specifies that certain editions / sizes are no longer available.
For works with the text 'Digital art', see the page with info on those works.
*Ask for the maximum sizes on other types of paper.
All photos on this website are available as Open Edition fine art print and as Limited Edition fine art print in any size, on fine art cotton paper up to a maximum size of the shortest side of 110 centimeters ~ app. 43 inches*, unless a photo specifies that certain editions / sizes are no longer available.
*Ask for the maximum sizes on other types of paper.
Do you like one of my photos and do you consider buying it, but want to see how it looks in your interior beforehand?
Follow the steps on the page Preview before purchase and I’ll send you a photomontage of the desired photo in your office, living room, bedroom or any other room !
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All content © 2014-2020 Jacob Berghoef