January 22, 20252 Comments

Into The White Night

When I make a landscape artwork, I am often trying to give a minimalist view of the feeling that the landscape gives me. The photo for this work was made in the scarce light of a setting winter sun.

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January 18, 20256 Comments


A beautiful sunny winter day. A group of gulls fight each other for a piece of bread. When the gull with the bread in its beak crosses a wide ditch, the whole group follows; screaming as if panicking to lose sight of the seagull with the bread.

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January 1, 20258 Comments

Into A New Day (2)

A cold and stormy winter morning on the beach of the North Sea near Agger, North West Denmark. Seagulls hover on the wind, waiting for the sea to bring them something to eat. Diving down, sometimes landing on the water, and not always successful in catching something edible...

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October 29, 202414 Comments

Birds Cry

I feel it is my mission to make people aware of the beauty and at the same time fragility of nature. At the same time, this sometimes feels like hypocrisy because I am part of the society that causes the destruction of the earth's habitability. Even though I do my best to live simply and keep my ecological footprint considerably smaller than "the use" of 1 earth...

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August 10, 20242 Comments


Late in the afternoon on a clear winter day, two barnacle geese fly towards the low sun. The sunlight seems to dissolve them in the cold winter air.

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August 6, 20242 Comments

Disturbed Souls

Out for a walk early in the morning on a beautiful sunny winter day, I see a group of gulls fight each other for a piece of bread....

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June 29, 2024Comments are off for this post.


In the rhythm of our wings...

Soulmates... Fellow travellers on our journey of life, helping to grow beyond the horizons of our individual selves.

It is nice to have a soulmate, a privilege. But not a given, nor conditional for a happy life.

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March 24, 202410 Comments


A beautiful sunny winter day. A group of gulls fight each other for a piece of bread. When the seagull with the bread in its beak crosses a wide ditch, the whole group follows; screaming as if panicking to lose sight of the seagull with the bread.

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All content © 2014-2020  Jacob Berghoef