November 2, 20248 Comments


We need a lot of money to fight the crises the earth is in. So why is so little happening to combat all these crises ? Are we short of money, then ? Well no, not really. But the rich countries prefer to spend it on unhealthy food, luxury goods, weapons, even bigger houses, subsidies for disastrous crises increasing activities.

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October 26, 202411 Comments

Saving Species

Last Monday, COP16 in Colombia started, the United Nations international summit on biodiversity.

An important summit?

I'll take you through a few considerations.

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October 19, 202410 Comments

A Scorched Earth

While the ice caps are melting and the oceans and seas are warming and being robbed, polluted and poisoned, also on land the humans leave a trace of destruction. Or perhaps better to say, that's where the misery begins. Because that's where humans have settled and do most of their 'ingenuity'.

The Western world should really be called the 'world of never enough'.

A weekend read...

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