October 5, 20244 Comments

System Change (2)

System Change, we need Systemic Change !

This is what you read and hear more and more often. In comments, articles and discussions about the state of the Earth's health, about the alarmingly rapid change in our climate.
And that alongside, of course, the call for Degrowth....

What is meant by this system change?

Insofar as you can and may explain a very complex system in a few simple phrases: ...

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April 16, 20244 Comments

New Or Used Stuff

To buy new or used can be a dilemma. We stopped buying new stuff. Well, almost. Some things are not or hardly available second hand, or are second hand so much less sustainable (in terms of environmental impact in production or in use) that you don't want them in your home.

Did you know that there is almost no product in your possession that incorporates the true costs?

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March 29, 20242 Comments

Organic Change

Suppose an oak tree longs to become a birch. Then that is possible only if a single, individual oak cell is able and willing to become a birch cell. Then, after that change is accepted and then copied by the surrounding cells, eventually the whole tree will change. That's what I call organic change.

Suppose a government of a country....

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March 22, 2024No Comments

Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is an important topic in the conversation about the future of our food supply in a world where the that supply gets more and more disrupted.
And it is hot, because it is a much cleaner and healthier way of growing our food than the industrial agriculture we now rely on...

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March 18, 20242 Comments

System Change

System Change, we need Systemic Change !

This is what you read and hear more and more often. In comments, articles and discussions about the state of the Earth's health, about the alarmingly rapid change in our climate.
And that alongside, of course, the call for Degrowth....

What is meant by this system change?

Insofar as you can and may explain a very complex system in a few simple phrases: ...

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All content © 2014-2020  Jacob Berghoef