January 21, 20254 Comments

In My Dreams

Do you dream in color? Or in black and white? Or both, or do you not know? Are all people dreaming in different color palettes, or does everyone have her/his own palette?

Some people are always dreaming in color, other's in shades of gray, or both in an irregular variety. Many people are not sure, or hardly remember it.

A search for my color palette, an experiment.

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August 7, 20242 Comments

Colorful Sunset

What color is the sea? Blue, gray, brown?

None of those. The sea has the color of the sky, of the sun, of the clouds. The oceans are the soul of the earth and reflect the mood of everything that uses them as a mirror.

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March 30, 20248 Comments

In My Dreams

Do you dream in color? Or in black and white? Or both, or do you not know? Are all people dreaming in different color palettes, or does everyone have her/his own palette?

Some people are always dreaming in color, other's in shades of gray, or both in an irregular variety. Many people are not sure, or hardly remember it.

A search for my color palette, an experiment.

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All content © 2014-2020  Jacob Berghoef