October 11, 20244 Comments

Autumn Leaves

After a beautiful late summer week mid September, it's autumn now. The temperature has dropped considerably, rain showers are frequent, although not very heavy.

Many leaves have been blown off the trees and bushes the past two weeks, we are collecting those fallen leaves from the paths and grass almost daily and putting them in a large mesh basket so they can compost in the coming months.

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September 16, 2024No Comments

Shivering Trees

Early on an autumn morning, the just-risen sun caresses the landscape. The sounds are muffled by a light haze rising from the cold waters of the river. The first rays of the sun cause a shiver, both from the awareness of the night's chill and the longing for the sun's warmth....

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September 13, 20242 Comments

Whispering Leaves

A sunny autumn day
The garden breathes colors
Leaves whispering

After a beautiful late summer week, it has now become autumn. The temperature has dropped considerably, compared to that warm week. Rain showers are frequent, although not very heavy.

Many leaves have been blown off by a summer storm, we are collecting those fallen leaves almost daily...

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All content © 2014-2020  Jacob Berghoef