December 11, 20248 Comments

Dream Of A Disintegrated City

When Laura Ann Reed, a friend and poet from the US, sent me a new poem she had written, her words spoke to me so strongly that I immediately had a vision that for me matched her words. Moreover, I also immediately knew which two 10-year-old photos I had to put together to make the image I had in mind.

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December 10, 20248 Comments

A Lonely Morning

Fresh snow, as far as the eye can see. The forest looks spacious, light, and larger than usual. It is quiet, and the world feels deserted. Only the muffled crunch of our footsteps in the fresh snow.

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November 4, 20246 Comments


In all the turmoil of the world, there are trees that remain standing perfectly straight. Offering protection and holding on no matter how severe the storm rages around them. Deeply rooted, connected to the earth and to the trees around them.

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October 2, 20246 Comments

Echos Of A Dream

It is early in the morning, but it is already light when I wake up. The sunlight filtered through the curtains quickly dissipates the last images of my dream and emerging thoughts disrupt the story...

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September 30, 20244 Comments

Golden Silence

It's early on a beautiful autumn evening, no wind and a bright blue sky. There is silence in the forest. A palpable silence, soft and thick like a wool blanket.
Yellow leaves gently fall to the ground. The sunlight wraps them in gold...

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April 26, 20244 Comments

Reflection Of Stillness

Reflection Of Stillness

Translucent thoughts cling to my mind
A dream is blown away, without
disturbing the reflection of stillness

A sunny day in June in the nature reserve ....

(Click to read the whole post)

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All content © 2014-2020  Jacob Berghoef